Friday, November 13, 2015


Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a personal struggle, season of trial or time where you're really going through something and could really use some help? There may be that hesitation to share it...especially with certain people because by all means you "have be careful" with whom you share with. You have to have the trust factor with them.

It's sad because so many suffer through things without telling anyone for fear of being judged because it seems some just don't care or are simply rude!  Ever shared with obviously the wrong person (as you find out later)? Then you know what I mean!

No one should  have to go through these seasons alone and you and I should be able to find support, encouragement and comfort by being surrounded by those who care and will walk through those seasons with us...because they actually care!

Then there are those who don't share because they've bought into the lie that they don't need anyone!? Or, those who don't ever want to give the perception that "they've got it all together!"

There are also people who just don't care about anyone else in general that's a bleak existence to say the least but on the flip side...there are those who do genuinely care.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Gender Equality and Fifty Shades of...Oh My!

Gender equality, a topic and cause that is widely thought about, discussed and debated.

There is a big push for this and in an age where gender equality is fought for in the USA for many various reason and hoped end results as well as globally there seems to be conflicting thoughts and actions on this.

Equality should be fought for and especially in countries where women and children are treated like they are property... which is disgusting that anyone is treated like this!
Through what I share here, I’m not not jumping on any band wagon, rather, I've been processing thoughts about this for a while and I’m attempting to articulate them here...